Ramadan Fasting: The Key to a More Spiritual and Ethical Life
Ramadan Fasting: The Key to a More Spiritual and Ethical Life
Ramadan Fasting: The Key to a More Spiritual and Ethical Life

Ramadan Fasting: The Key to a More Spiritual and Ethical Life

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"The Fast of Ramadan" is a work, through which we deal with all the questions relating to the fast of the sacred month, compiled from various epistles, notably those of Sheikhs 'Abdul-'Azîz Ibn Bâz, Al-Albânî, Ibn 'Uthaymîn and 'Abdur-Razzâq Ibn Badr.

Fasting allows one to attain a certain degree of faith, as indicated in the following verse: [O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain piety.] (S2. V183) and is one of the five pillars of Islam, as evidenced by the saying of the Messenger of Allah reported by Ibn 'Umar: "Islam is based on five pillars: the attestation that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the establishment of prayer, the payment of obligatory charity, the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of Allah, and the fasting of the month of Ramadan." It is therefore incumbent on every Muslim to know its merits and benefits in order to be able to benefit from it, but above all the rules and modalities for putting them into practice according to the Book of Allah and the prophetic tradition.

With this in mind, we first defined Islamic fasting, then addressed its practical and legal aspect, and also dealt with its spiritual aspect, which is too often neglected in our time.

Ramadan should not be a spiritual parenthesis in the lives of believers. It should be a springboard to a better life, more focused on altruism and good behavior on the one hand, and more focused on preparing the soul for the future life on the other.

We hope that this work will enable the believer, preparing to enter the month of Ramadan, to accomplish this fast with full knowledge of the facts and, above all, to access its spiritual dimension.

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